• Dental Tourism in Bulgaria
    low prices
    High Quality!
  • Combine an unforgettable
    with a brilliant smile!
  • Beautiful

We are dental clinics located in Bulgaria. We have lots of dental offices equipped with cutting edge german and swiss technology.

M3 Dent is a unique modern and stylish dental clinic, located in Bulgaria.

Dental implants

Dental implantology is the most advanced method which deal with the tooth loss problem. Surgically an implant is placed in the tooth alveolus of previously extracted tooth or artificial one, which is made just before the procedure.

Oral surgery

In our clinic various types of surgical interventions are made. Tooth extraction, incisions, circumcisions, curettage, frenulotomy, surgical sews sinus lift, apical osteotomy. All surgical interventions are made under anesthetics.


Orthodontic treatment with Invisalign® is a good alternative to traditional braces. It is achieved with invisible and removable ligners. They are worn 14-16 hours per day and successfully treat crooked teeth without the pain and inconvinience of traditional braces.

Cosmetic dentistry

Cosmetic dentistry includes veneers, zirconium crowns, press-ceramic and bleaching. Veneers are thin porcelain plates which are cemented on the front surface of the tooth. Their goal is the visual improvement of the smile.

Crowns and bridges

Fixed Prosthodontics. We at M3 Dent make two different types of fixed prosthodontics - ceramic crowns and bridges with base made from chrome-cobalt alloy and second type of fixed prosthodontics are crowns and bridges made from special ceramic called zirconium.

Gum Disease Treatment

The gum diseases are infectious ones, which are caused by the bacteria in the plaque and cover all structures which hold the teeth: gingiva (gum), periodontium and bone. The phase in which they are diagnosed is important for the final result of treatment.