Cosmetic Dentistry
Cosmetic dentistry includes veneers, zirconium crowns, press-ceramic and bleaching.
Veneers are thin porcelain plates which are cemented on the front surface of the tooth. Their goal is the visual improvement of the smile. Veneers are used to restore teeth imperfections – crooked, broken or colored teeth. Thanks to the glass-like structure they imitate the natural teeth color and transparency. In addition to that ceramic doesn’t change color in time, nor it change its look in time. Zirconium dioxide is one of the most tough and aesthetic materials. Its color imitates really well the natural tooth color, which make it usable for framework of bridges and crowns. On the zirconium basis lots of ceramic layers are added. The zirconium dioxide is biologically tolerant and hypo allergic. Press ceramic is nonmetal material with amazing aesthetic qualities. It is used mainly for the frontal teeth.